Installation (Python)

  • Requirements

  • Prepare environment

  • Install XRPrimer(python)


  • Linux

  • Conda

  • Python 3.6+

Prepare environment

a. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

Install XRPrimer (python)

Install with pip

pip install xrprimer

Install by compiling from source

a. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

conda create -n openxrlab python=3.8 -y
conda activate openxrlab

b. Clone the repo.

git clone
cd xrprimer/

c. (Optional) Install conan

# compiling with conan accelerates the compilation with pre-built libs, otherwise it builds external libs from source
pip install conan
conan remote add openxrlab

d. Install PyTorch and MMCV

Install PyTorch and torchvision following official instructions.

E.g., install PyTorch 1.8.2 & CPU

pip install torch==1.8.2+cpu torchvision==0.9.2+cpu -f

Install mmcv without cuda operations

pip install mmcv

e. Install xrprimer in editable mode

pip install -e .  # or "python develop"
python -c "import xrprimer; print(xrprimer.__version__)"